Who and Why

I began singing opera because of Violetta. Now, I am going meet her.

Monday, March 14, 2011


They never tell you that migraines would be an issue when it comes to learning a role. Colds, yes; Bronchial infections, yes; but debilitating flat-as-a-pancake in-bed-all-day migraines? Nope. And at least with colds, you can still read, still memorize, still translate...still THINK!

So, I apologize I haven't written in a few weeks. With each and every storm that comes to NYC, my body is a walking weather vane and off to bed I must go. The few hours I have had to myself- where I am not sleeping, cleaning, or catching up on work- I go to Violetta. It's nice to know she is there, ready to be sung at a moment's notice.

Perhaps it's not my reoccurring illness with my vocal cords in my twenties, but my debilitating migraines in my thirties that will bond Violetta and me. We both know to appreciate all that you have now and do all that you can while you are able. Thank god mine aren't as serious as her TB, but the not knowing if you can plan a week without falling sick- it's a stress that I know to well, and so does she.

Off to acupuncture! Fingers crossed this works!

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